“After looking through my skylight and watching my tower being twisted violently by an unexpected windstorm, I was thrilled to discover my Razor was in perfect condition once the storm ended. That is some seriously tough construction! And I love the convenience of the Razor whenever I want to work on my antenna."

Vero Beach, Fl


"When my wife told me she was tired of beating on our tower with a 2x4 to get my old Glen Martin Hazer and Monster SteppIR down, we purchased a Razor and have been thrilled with it's smooth operation.  It handles that antenna easily!"

Kathleen, Fl


"After putting up my new 20 meter Double Bazooka, my very first key working my Yaesu FT-100 brought back a 5/7 report out of West Texas, which was off the end of the antenna. I was thrilled! And the contacts just keep coming!"

Ft. Pierce, Fl


"I can't believe how well I can hear stations when other stations closer to them can not even get a receive on them. This 80 meter Double Bazooka is impressive!"

Vero Beach, Fl

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